
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen Alpha 3.1.0 Troubleshooting

Known Issues: SC Alpha 3.1.0-live.738964
Star Citizen Patcher Installing & Downloading Help
Star Citizen Graphics Card Help
Star Citizen 3.1.0 Performance Guide

Contribute to The Issue Council
Please, if you are encountering any of these issues (or others) while playing Star Citizen Alpha 3.1.0, take the time to contribute to the Issue Council
And If you need to update your Issue Council Hardware Profile, if needed.

Hotfix In-Progress
They are working on a stability patch. The goal is to have it out by April 6th to address issues including the expediting fee.

Javascript Error on Launcher and Game Install
You may get the JavaScript error when installing: “A JavaScript error occurred in the main process – Uncaught Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token”.
Recommend: Fully delete the Launcher/game, shutdown the computer, boot up and install.

All Ships Lost, Large Revel and York, 5+ size ships
You may be missing all or most ships from your ship list and terminals. Or you try to load the Large Revel and York, but can’t access or spawn size 5+ ships. They are aware and investigating all of these issues.
You can send in a ticket! They’ll review your account in testing, and possibly reset accounts to see if this will help depending on investigations.

Box/Items Stuck in Hands
They are investigating this issue. Some players have dropped the box by drawing a gun outside of the green zone, possibly in free flight.
Still a problem? Send in a ticket to get your account reset.

Expedite Fees & Reclaim Timers
We are aware of issues/concerns and working on a stability patch. The goal is to have it out by April 6th to address the expediting fee, as it’s currently set too high, considering the possibility of a client crash.

Loaner Ships
By April 6th, we will have all Loaner ships updated in-game and in Concept Ship Loaners:
The following are a few notable changes coming:
Adding the Reclaimer Trainer for Hull D, E, Orion
Adding Cyclone Trainer to 600i Explorer, Cyclone variants
Adding the Hornet Trainer to Constellation Aquila, Reclaimer

Disable Windows Game Bar
Windows Game Bar is causing crashes to black screen for players. There more information on disabling the Game Bar & DVR in my Performance Guide

  • Right-click the Windows button.
  • Click Search, and search for Game Bar. You will find it in Settings > Game > Game bar.
  • Disable by clicking the switch under Record game clips. Screenshots, and broadcast using Game bar.

Insurance Claim and duplicate ships:
They are aware and working on resolving issues with duplicate ships generating during an insurance claim. Any ship and/or vehicle may have this happen. Current reports indicate the following:

  • The original ship can be used/insurance claimed, duplicates never work
  • The original ship cannot be used/insurance claimed, one or more duplicates work
  • Vehicles may spawn in a duplicated ship, but may not work

They are seeking more information based on that list of possible issues players are hitting. They are resetting accounts to help.

Lumberyard error on graphics driver:
They are aware of an issue with the Lumberyard screen popping up an error message for incorrect graphic drivers. The message is incorrect, and pops because Lumberyard detects the Integrated GPU instead of the high performance card (Nvidia/AMD). This issue tends to occur on systems with an Integrated GPU (like Intel) and a graphics card (Nvidia or AMD). The Integrated GPU is defaulting for the game, instead of the high performance card. QA located the issue, working on a fix. You may need to verify your graphic card is preferred and selected for Star Citizen in your driver.

Authenticator Code and Duration Issues
They are aware of an issue with authenticator codes not accepted when logging in. This may occur with the site Account login or Launcher. To resolve, you can clear the cache in the Launcher and/or web browser. You also need to select a Duration, default option not selected. See the guide.

Headless Character
They are aware of an issue where characters in-game are suddenly headless and/or unable to wear clothing. You may have this happen when wearing specific armor in particular situations or locations. When your character becomes headless, you may also have problems with your flashlight and other clothing. This issue will require a reset of player data on our servers. They are currently investigating a solution for these issues to get everyone back to wearing full flight suits, using their flashlights, and flying again.
Send in a ticket to get your account reset.

REC Ships are no longer available in the Persistent Universe
Ships obtained with REC were never intended for use in the Persistent Universe. While they have been available for a little while, the root cause of their presence in the PU has been corrected. REC Weapons are still currently available for use in the PU but please be aware that if you lose your ship with REC Weapons attached, you will lose access to those weapons in both the PU and Arena Commander!

aUEC & UEC Items Lost on Crash / Death / Disconnect
We are aware that items are being lost for a variety of reasons. We understand that this is frustrating but please rest assured that your UEC items are not permanently lost and you will regain access to them upon the next database reset.

Ground Vehicle Reclamation
When filing an insurance claim on a ship, always remember to first file a claim on any ground vehicles stored in the ship first. If this is not done, the vehicles stored within the ship will be lost.

Data.p4k and Download Issue
They are aware of the issues with the data.p4k download and install of Star Citizen. We are working towards a solution for this issue. If you have download and install issues, please enter a ticket with details.