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The Yalta Agreements Contained All of the following except

The Yalta agreements were a series of discussions held between the leaders of the Allied powers near the end of World War II. These discussions took place in February 1945 in the city of Yalta, in the Soviet Union. The main participants in the discussions were the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the Soviet Premier, Joseph Stalin.

The Yalta agreements covered a range of topics relating to the post-war world. One of the key objectives was to decide how to divide up the defeated Germany, with the three powers agreeing to divide Germany into four zones of occupation. The agreements also covered plans for a United Nations organization to help maintain peace and order in the world, as well as a declaration on the restoration of sovereignty to the nations of Eastern Europe.

Despite these positive outcomes, the Yalta agreements also contained some contentious proposals that are still debated today. For instance, the agreements allowed for millions of people to be forcibly repatriated to their countries of origin, which was a bone of contention for many. Additionally, the agreement allowed for the Soviet Union to retain control over the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island, which many Japanese still dispute.

However, there is one thing that the Yalta agreements did not contain: a plan for how to deal with the atomic bomb. In February 1945, the United States had successfully tested the first atomic bomb, and some historians question whether the Soviet Union was aware of the test, or if it was discussed at Yalta. While there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that the atomic bomb was on the agenda at Yalta, its absence from the agreements has been noted by many observers.

In conclusion, the Yalta agreements were an important series of discussions that helped shape the post-war world. While they contained many important initiatives such as the formation of the United Nations and plans for the restoration of sovereignty in Eastern Europe, they were also contentious in some areas. The most notable absence from the agreements was any plan for how to deal with atomic weapons, which would become a crucial issue in years to come.