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Ryerson University Collective Agreement

Ryerson University, located in downtown Toronto, is a leading research institution that offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various fields. One of the crucial aspects that make this university a desirable place to work at is its collective agreement.

A collective agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and a bargaining unit. For Ryerson University, this agreement covers the faculty members, librarians, and other academic professionals who are part of the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA).

The most recent collective agreement between the RFA and Ryerson University was signed in 2018 and will be in effect until 2021. This agreement encompasses a range of provisions related to working conditions, compensation, benefits, and professional development, among others.

One of the most significant aspects of this agreement is the salary increase for faculty and other academic professionals. Under this collective agreement, members will receive a 1.75% salary increase for each year of the agreement. This salary increase is in addition to any merit increases or progress through the salary grid that members can receive.

Another crucial aspect of the collective agreement is the provisions related to workload. The agreement specifies the number of courses or equivalent workload that members can undertake in a given academic year. It also outlines the process for workload review and adjustments and provides guidelines for workload distribution between members.

The agreement also includes provisions related to professional development. Members can access funds for various professional development activities, including attending conferences, workshops, and training sessions. The agreement also outlines the process for sabbatical leaves and other forms of professional leaves.

In addition to these provisions, the collective agreement also covers areas such as benefits, including health and dental plans, family leave, and retirement benefits. It also includes provisions related to academic freedom, intellectual property, and faculty governance.

Overall, the Ryerson University collective agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for members of the Ryerson Faculty Association. It provides a framework for fair and equitable working conditions, compensation, and benefits for academic professionals at the university. As such, it plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent and advancing research and teaching excellence at Ryerson University.