
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen MASSIVE FEATURES – Base Building, Homesteads & Crafting

Star Citizen recently expanded it’s Roadmap a little… it wasn’t this massive update that I wanted. BUT it was at least a few breadcrumbs and should be the start of CIG giving us more updates over the next few weeks in the run upto CitizenCon the IAE and Alpha 4.0 all later this year. 

I wanted to talk about some of the bigger features that have turned up on the roadmap that look for the most part to be coming in 2025 (but not all) some of it may well turn up this year as well or be in a more limited form.

I suppose I am going to kind of be talking about what an Alpha 4.1 might contain as well.

Think of that as stuff that will appear in Q1/Q2 of 2025.

Hornet MK2s – We can see that CIG are working on the MK2 versions of the Tracker, Ghost & Super Hornet. These could well be coming out during the IAE… maybe… as also coming out during Fleet Week (next year) would make marketing sense.

This will also see the “depreciation” of the other MK1 hornets… they will be harder to get.

Interestingly players might be less interested in these ships as they already have the F7A MK2 in game. Tho that was only obtainable as an upgrade via completing the Overdrive Initiative Missions… That might be something we get again in the future.

Anyway Hornet MK2s are coming!

7 – 8 unannounced ships / vehicles – talked about these in a couple of other videos that I’ll link below.

Loads of teasers… rumors, leaks… check that out if you are interested.

I do want to point out that a set of features – Pyro System, Planet, and Mission Setup shows work going Into 2025… that’s because it’s not 100% done with the release of 4.0

Ruin Station, Tons of Improvements. The plan is to release alpha 4.0 with pyro later this year.

Base Building – All work encompassing the ability for players to construct and maintain bases, including resource generation, commerce, and customization.

Homesteads – Teased on Twitter, find out more at CitizenCon

Crafting – Implementing the ability for players to craft various items using resources from throughout the persistent universe.

Quasi Grazer – These large, warm-blooded herd animals were originally discovered on the vast plains of Quasi on Terra. Most notable for their unusual method of carrying their eggs on their underside, the Quasi grazer has become one of the standard seed animals and there can be commonly found on most terraformed planets in the UEE. (4.0) Cargo / Farming – Expect various gameplay to turn up for these.

From slaughter house delivery, herding, culling, cow tipping…

FPS Radar / Scanning – Improved signature system, supporting much greater distances, and dampening of signatures by environmental interference and larger signatures. Improved Scanning, driven by the same signature system as the Radar and Ping, available in Ships, ground vehicles, and FPS

Vehicle Radar Scanning – Implementing new and improved vehicle radar and scanning systems, allowing for the passive and active detection of radar contacts and information about the vehicle’s status, as well as its contents.

Item Overheating – Implementing the ability for items and weapons to overheat, causing damage and requiring the player to contend with malfunctions.

Weapon Misfire & Wear – Adding the potential for certain weapons to misfire or malfunction depending on various factors.

MFD Rework – Seen some of the updated cockpits / MFDs in ISC – We will both rebuild ship MFDs with our new Building Blocks UI technology, as well as completely redesign them in an effort to make them more customizable, better matched to ship aesthetics, and better at serving ship gameplay.

Quantum Travel Experience – Updating Quantum Travel mechanic to move players in a more physically realistic way, and improve the general QT experience, adjusting how spooling/calibrating, interdictions and entering/exiting work. Acceleration Hands On.

Squadron 42 Polishing – Fine-tuning and refining all aspects of the Squadron 42 gameplay experience.

Its running into the 2025 cut off… so no SQ42 release this year BUT we should hopefully be able to see when they roughly plan to have the polish done when they update this in the future. It MIGHT be an indicator that it’s nearly prime time. 

Other bits that CIG are working on:

More Ships Brought Up To Gold Standard

Master Modes

Squadron 42 Features being brought to PU

Getting Everything ready for Server Meshing / 4.0

Dynamic Economy / Quanta System

I suspect Bounty Hunting V2 – They had been working on it for a while – Good for Pyro