Los 50 de Roberts – Destruction Derby
Welcome to some more Star Citizen, I was invited to Participate in a Spanish Community event Los 50 de Roberts, it was a destruction derby type weapons free ground based vehicle team kill fest.
Los 50 de Roberts is a regular event Organized by SKAINET a group of 5 Spanish Streamers & gets a load of different orgs playing together, this was their 3rd event, it looks like it may be one event each quarter at the moment.
We spawned at Lorville, moved to one of the gates, took a Valkyrie with about 40 people to Ita, spawned Ursa Rovers or Cyclones in an ordered fashion an made our way to a large crater.
The idea was a no holds barred team destruction derby with teams of 1 – 3 in a single vehicle so a driver, gunner, and co-pilot or someone firing out the rear.
You could have an Ursa Rover or one of the Cyclones (not the AA version, no EMPs)
And the more suicidal people brought a GreyCat buggy.
We turned up to the crater during the day but we waited to night before starting the event. Please enjoy me and SilentZenn (who was my driver) while I gunned in the Ursa Rover participate in the Los 50 de Roberts.
It was genuinely some of the most fun I HAVE EVER had in Star Citizen, yes there are still a load of bugs and only a fraction of the game, but it is still sooo much fun when someone has organized a large scale event like this.
Thanks SKAINET and thank you to the Spanish Community for inviting me!