Star Citizen April 2020 Channel Update
Welcome to some more Star Citizen & a BoredGamer Channel Update for April 2020.
The Giveaway Winner for March 2020 is Overay they have won an ARROW & SC Game Package.
For April 2020 there is a New Giveaway for a Cutlass Black & SC GamePackage.
A Comment will be randomly chosen from one of my videos made in April 2020 and that person will be a winner!
I am planning to do some stuff on social media for ships and the like too if I get time in April as well. I want to encourage people following my Twitter and Instagram so I’ll think of something!
We are still Waiting on 3.9.0 to go to First Wave PTU and LIVE… There has been a delay with this partly due to the Global Situation and CIG now Working From Home however they remain confident that it won’t cause “much” of a delay.
Content Plans
If 3.9 LIVE is stable then we need to play it on stream and for videos much more regularly.
There is a huge amount I want to make content wise for the game… some of which is organic gameplay… but it requires a reasonably stable PU and the desync to be fixed.
Beyond that content wise there is a large amount to cover.
Patch Notes
New Guides – Meta, Best in Role/Class for Ships and Vehicles
State of the Game
Ship & Location Tours
Are we getting a new straight to flyable ship/vehicle
Carrack Adventure Multi-Crew Series
Idris Mission – The Whole Arlington Gang Mission Chain and Fighting the Idris
Prison Gameplay – Lots of Stuff with that
Survival Mechanics really explored with Food, Drink, Environments, the gourmet experience.
If people want I could do an IRL series of making the SC Food and recipes for it.
New Missions Playthroughs & Playthroughs of old missions 2.0
Mining Quantanium and trying to get it back before it explodes/is valueless
Trade Gameplay & Guides
I think it might be time to redo my Ship Buyers Guide Series.
There is a load, including organized gameplay things for my streams
I want 3.9.0 to be stable… I want playable star citizen and that appears to be a big focus of CIG currently and I hope they can pull it off.
Inside Star Citizen is on Hiatus until 23rd of April BUT it appears that Star Citizen LIVE / Calling All Devs episodes will still run.
We do have the Monthly Reports come out later today which should give us a boat load of information on the PU and Squadron 42… really it’s the only tangible SQ42 updates we get.
There might be some slight disruption to the channel. My Father has something wrong with him at the moment, he has kind of lost his short term memory, we think he may have had a light stroke or be severely depressed AND are going through the motions with the more limited medical services. He has been recovering from lung cancer over the last year and there may have been further complications. They are currently doing blood tests and the like BUT it’s very difficult on my mother.
I am going to prioritize my family obviously over my work and channel BUT conversely streaming and making videos is also an outlet for me… especially when I can’t leave the house to socialize even if I wanted to currently BUT I just wanted to let you know that they might be erratic or something.
This is the worst part about Lockdown stuff for me, I can’t get easy access to help or services that I want to, it’s much more of an effort AND I feel like I don’t have personal space. It’s a selfish thing to say, All I really want is my Mother and Father to be happy, healthy and enjoy themselves.
We don’t really want to risk exposure at the moment as well as my Father is in the high risk group, being immunosuppressed, if he goes into hospital we don’t know if we are able to visit him even. Literally could not be a worse time… BUT when is a good time I suppose.
As I was recording this a Nurse turned up in hazmat light gear – goggles, facemask, full scrubs and gloves to give my Dad a Blood test and do some diagnoses. It’s fantastic that they are able to do that at my home… thank you! She said they want to avoid sending people to hospital where possible at the moment as they don’t want to clog up the system or put any strain on it, which is also what we want to avoid.
We are staying inside which is normal for me anyway and we are staying safe.
Make sure you keep active, eat healthy if you can and stay in contact with other humans… find new hobbies and reach out to people!
Youtube Ad Money – Revenue from Youtube is down by about 50% for the same amount of views at the moment, so a lot of creators will be struggling. I have a lot of sources of funding for the channel tho, LiveStreams, Donations, Patreon, Youtube Members, Affiliate Links with Shadow & Nord. They all go a long way to supporting the channel… monetization diversity is sensible… I should update my t-shirts and merch really and promote that too.
If you want to help you can help with any of those earlier methods of support BUT even commenting on and sharing videos REALLY REALLY helps as does providing feedback and ideas.
Plans for Zin, so my editor / channel aide… will be doing some stuff on the Channel this month as she has very limited work to do with her current job… sort of learning the ropes stuff and playing on stream to get settings, audio levels and test some ideas.
I’ll be asking you via polls and in comments to help utilize the additional manpower appropriately BUT much better b-roll, multicrew, planned organized content, a more managed community… better art work… more motivation & effort on the channel.
I also think that ToW Theatres of War will be great content for us to play together.
I should be on Answer the Call SaltEMike’s LIVE Show looking at a Particular SC Topic.
I think that starts at 3pm UTC on Sunday the 5th. I’ll link it down below.
Thanks to
My Patreons especially Bill Bryant, Myles, Andy Green, Mill for their amazing over the top support.
My Youtube Members including the extraordinary generous SwampyUK, Michael Ake, Stg3v3rsmann, Shite & Mantis
And other ViPs that helped out the Channel TheRedHuntress, Robert Johnston, FarOutCorp, Pixie, Dalamars.
There is a huge amount of people that help AND HAVE CHUCKED MONEY AT ME! THANK YOU! The Channel only exists due to the amount of support it receives from generous peoples like yourselves and the interaction of the community with my videos… thank you soooo much!
There is the occasional bit of exclusive content for peeps that go that extra mile with support AND I want to do a bit more through April as well… got a bit distracted by all that was going on over the last few days… SOON ™
Thank you sooo much for watching my videos and I hope that you are doing well!
I wish you good luck and safe travels for the whole of April!