
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen July 2020 Roundup

Star Citizen Round Up for July 2020 summarizing what happened and what we got in forms of updates.

3.10 went through lots of PTU testing, with players getting to try out the new flight and combat updates and help make tweaks to it in preparation of the LIVE build.

Some other things to note are that Almost All Ships are purchasable in game at least with their base models and equipment being available. Only a few are not like the Raven, Scythe, Glaive and skinned/loadout variants of ships. Someone did say that the Reliants for some reason aren’t in as well… tho I suspect that’s a mistake by CIG.

The money sending app is a game changer for me.

The GrimHex & New Babbage Location updates are looking great, helping expand out the Verse.

Though there have been lots of issues with the new landing/take off system at Lorville and Area 18. Where flight corridors and hangars could trap players.

We saw updates to turrets & fixed weapon as well, that make them actually very very good.

The meta will be massively changing in 3.10.

We don’t know if there is going to be a wipe for 3.10 live yet.

There was lots of bug fixing and players have been helping triage issues with landings, stability, desync, exploits and more.

There is a good amount of new content in 3.10 but the evolution to current content should be pretty massive. 

Inside Star Citizen & SC LIve

The Constellation Taurus is getting work now, they are building out it’s expanded Cargo Bay.

They are prototyping an early automated docking/undocking with the P52/72 and the Connies Snub Dock.

Gas Cloud Tech is being implemented for various POI in the PU.

We learnt that Hospitals are being worked on for new locations too as are additional areas for Space Stations, where the components and NPC habs are.

As new gameplay mechanics are added they will further expand out zones to support that gameplay.

The stanton system will continue to get updates beyond it’s “completion” of celestial bodies.

NPC Scheduler is being worked on to allow for NPCs to be spawned and despawned in a more realistic manner.

UIs and the Building Blocks tech will see lots of updates in game by the end of the year, they are using this for Elevator panels, interactions, cockpit, the mobiGlas, Missions and much more. They expected that Physicalized Inventories would be one of those things that is in by the end of the yeah, it is a big game changer and core part of SC.

They showed off various branding for assets and companies in SC that help build the universe.

We saw the Idris getting blown up in various different ways.

The GreyCat Roc was more officially unveiled as well, it’s a little mining vehicle that mines new medium gem nodes in 3.10 and can fit in many ships like the Cutlass Black for example.

It will be going on sale when 3.10 goes LIVE. 

We saw Jlee show off some Beast Armor that he concepted LIVE made from parts of the Pyro Crab a giant apex predator planned for Pyro.


Changes to 3.11

We saw the Cutting Tool get pushed off the Roadmap in favor of the tractor beam module for the multi-tool coming in 3.12

And the Refining Deck/Facilities have been pushed to 3.12.

3.11 will still see a myriad of content including cargo decks and facilities, the MSR, the 100 series, a grenade launcher and more.

They added the Behring BR2 Ballistic Shotgun & Ground Cover Buoyancy with things floating realistically like seaweed to 3.11 as well. 

Alpha 3.12 was Added to the Roadmap BUT is still at this stage extremely light in terms of content.

Beyond what we just mentioned it sees a tractor beam module for the multi-tool.

Weapon Zeroing.

Refinery Mechanics

And some Mystery Armor – maybe connected to bounty hunting OR Pyro but we aren’t too sure at this stage.

CI also made a statement on the 2 biggest gameplay area expansions that are coming in the next few quarters:

Crusader & Orison Landing Zone are now being released in 2 parts in Q1 & Q2 of 2021, this is because they are big, pretty and it’s their first true gas giant in game, tho will be seeing updates even after it’s release.

The much anticipated Pyro Star System is still getting a lot of work and it looks possible they are still pushing for it for the end of the 2020 BUT potentially again in a 2 part fashion with maybe upto 4 of the planets coming… that’s more speculation and rumor at this stage tho as they have not confirmed plans for the System recently.

There was some controversy over the Squadron 42 Roadmap Roadmap.

CI are working on a new video series for Squadron 42 updates called the briefing room which will give us some short snappy updates every few weeks.

They are also working on a new Roadmap Style for – Squadron & PU that takes a much deeper more detailed look at features, their tasks and progress.

At this stage CI are still working on that new style of roadmap, in fact there was a recent meeting on plans for that with Zyloh replying to Renegade Raisins Thread asking how the Meeting went on Spectrum:

“I’m currently focused on the roadmap for the roadmap for the roadmap for the… I’m kidding. 

It actually went great. Everyone was pretty thrilled with the updated approach. As I’ve mentioned in the past, this update to the Roadmap will change how both the Squadron 42 roadmap and the Star Citizen roadmap are visualized, and we’re genuinely excited to share it. I’ve got a couple of questions I’m waiting to get some answers to, and once I do I plan to get a post up that both explains the new visualization and shows it off.”

There was a little leak on the Esperia Talon, we know that some form of ship that Strikes hard then fades away is planned. It’s almost certainly a Tevarin Fighter with a bit of stealth thrown in. We don’t know if it’s going to lead to a concept sale OR if it will be straight to flyable.

We had the Foundation Festival as well which mostly brought attention to the Guide system, allowing players to get 1 on 1 in game tutelage from another player on their request gameplay. 

And that was really it for July in terms of tangible updates.