
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

This Week In Star Citizen – Vehicle AMA, Valentines & Phase 3 XenoThreat

Welcome to some more Star Citizen with your guide to what’s going on for the Weekending the 14th of February 2021

On Tuesday, there is part 2 of a lore post story of Sid & Cyrus where they investigate an abandoned mine for signs of their lost daughter.

Wednesday, we have a Roadmap Update & Roundup as these are now done every 2 weeks this should give us a bit more meat to these posts… hopefully we will only have features added and revealed rather than moving off!

There is a AMA with the Vehicle Experience Team, these are done on the spectrum forums with the AMA starting at 5pm UTC . Typically questions can be asked around 30 mins before the start and highly upvoted questions typically get answered if they are appropriate. (there will be a specific thread for this going up around that time).

The Vehicle Experience Team actively works on getting ships and vehicles operating and feeling the best they can in game. Refining Ship Flight & Combat but also lots of ergonomic aiming features. If you are working out what questions you want to ask them… they have some work on the Roadmap this year ranging from Missile Updates, Bombs, Mines, Capacitors, AI Blades, as well as general ground vehicle improvements & turret usability ALSO all of the ships coming this year touch what they do so the Nova Tank, Taurus, Hercules’, Ares, Redeemer.

On Thursday, Inside Star Citizen is looking at docking AND there is a sprint report… which are my favorite as they give a huge amount of insight into a load of bits that CI are working on

On Friday, there is the weekly RSI Newsletter and sneak peek as always.
There will be a Star Citizen Live on twitch that will start at 4pm UTC with a roundtable Q&A on capital ships & combat with members from many of the teams involved in recent work getting the XenoThreat Event Ready and Capital Ships Combat Operable.

At some point Probably on Thursday or Friday I would expect XenoThreat to move onto Phase 3 if it hasn’t by then already. 

XenoThreat is a Limited Time event once it moves onto the next phase… you can’t go back and the phase 2 payouts for playing are extremely high, so get involved!

There is the Coramor 2951 or Valentines Day something happening this week too!

Boom, that’s it short and sweet.