
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen News – Week Ending 7th March 2021

Star Citizen News for the Week Ending 7th March 2021… going over a quick summary of what we have seen over the last 7 days in the world of Star Citizen.

Firstly Where is Alpha 3.13? 

Expect Evocati Test of 3.13 to start the coming week.

3.13 Wider testing beyond that based on how that goes but it should be mid March-ish.

And the target is still 3.13 live for the end of March is possible.

The Newsletter’s Sneak Peek was of the Colonial Homesteads and POI that CI are working on that we should start to see from Alpha 3.15 onwards. The appear to be showing greybox and deeper work for props and art for the main hub and living areas.

Inside Star Citizen looked at Caves which are getting 6 new entrance variations in 3.13 allowing for ships and vehicles to traverse some of them AND mining Sub-Components which add more customization to mining lasers on a more permanent basis than consumables… this deeper gameplay to Star citizen is also coming in 3.13 with an updated Mining UI too.

Star Citizen Live had the Vehicle Tech Team – some quick highlights, they said physical damage and components are coming but it take a long time. They are building materials sets for all types, wood, metals and everything in between which will all act differently to damage. Breaching ships and doors will be a thing and the room system will deal with venting of the atmosphere. Vehicle in Ship Spawning is coming but they want a clean Player Facing System for it.

The latest Monthly Reports are out, giving you insight into everything the devs tackled in February. From the end of XenoThreat to the final touches on Alpha 3.13, and progress towards 3.14 and beyond… there is one for squadron 42 as well with work on the Vanduul, Xi’An and much more discussed too… you can check out the summaries in the links down below.

New Subscriber Perks for March are the Electron Rifle and Pistol in Green for Centurian Subs and Imperator Subs get that AND them in Orange too. If you sub before the 8th of March you can get those OR if you sub later you can buy them from the sub store.

If you participated in the XenoThreat Event on the Live Servers then you should have the CDF Badge available to you, in the Profile Section of the Website.

There is a group of Charitable Citizen’s that are Feeding The Elderly with a Go Fund Me with the hopes that the Star Citizen community will help with fundraising to provide assistance, food, and comfort to over 10 million seniors who are at risk of hunger.

They’ve already raised over $7k and the proceeds will be going straight to Meals on Wheels America… I checked it out and everything to make sure it was legit!

They are also encouraging peeps to retweet with a ship giveaway on twitter as well.

And that’s it for this week’s Star Citizen News.