
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 Wave 1 is Planned This Week & Dev Updates

Welcome to some more Star Citizen news… where is Alpha 3.17 1st Wave?! We will be talking about that and also looking at what’s happening this week in star citizen.

CI wanted to have 3.17 1st wave out last weekend but that hasn’t seemed to be the case in reality… that has been due to some major blockers which they are trying to iron out before wider testing… CI have said:

The Evocati group has been hammering away on Alpha 3.17 builds all last week, and we’re aiming to open up the PTU to Wave 1 testers this week! 

(From what I have hear from CI that will probably be Thursday/Friday)

Keep an eye on Spectrum for any announcements as we continue to get closer to Alpha 3.17’s release.

Hopefully that will be the case… I am revising my SC 3.17 Live estimate to mid April as we are still very much in the PTU phases for the patch.

CI also had more info with what happened over the last few days and what’s happening this week in the appropriately named this week in star citizen…

In case you missed it, last week we released the first Patch Watch for Alpha 3.17. This gets into the nitty gritty of some of the smaller changes coming in this update, such as desync improvements, balance updates for hunger and thirst, medical improvements, a FPS Weapon Rebalance and more. (I have a couple of videos going over all the changes you should checkout). Additionally, we had Todd Papy on Star Citizen Live a couple weeks ago answering the community’s questions all about Alpha 3.17, so definitely check that out as well to whet your appetite for the update ahead. Again checkout my videos on that.

This past weekend saw the group stages battles of ATMO eSports’ Fight or Flight PVP tournament, and the competition was absolutely heated! This is a community fan event but is extremely well done… Check out the trailer (linked below) for the tournament and prepare for the explosive Top 8 finale coming on April 9.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

Tuesday, the Narrative team brings us the monthly Galactapedia update, I am going to start paying more attention to these as they seem to indicate where other updates and focuses can be with development and generally just add to the lore and intrigue in game. 

We also will have a full starter guide for Ship to Ship Refueling to prepare you for when Alpha 3.17 hits PTU.

Wednesday brings the next Roadmap Update, paired alongside a Roadmap Roundup with all the details. Could we see the Scorpius slip from 3.17.0 initial … quite possibly… could we see some more features added to 3.18? Hopefully… I still think the Roadmap updates are incredibly important and we could see a lot of features hit the Progress Tracker.

Thursday, the finale of this season of Inside Star Citizen will cover what you can expect going into Alpha 3.17 in a patch report, plus a MISC-tery segment! 

Could this be the new mobile refinery ship OR is it a focus on the Starfarer and Refueling?

This basically means that ISC will be on holiday for 3 weeks before coming back with 3.18 and Q2/3 oriented content BUT is also a good sign that 3.17 is gearing up for release.

We also have another edition of Patch Watch, highlighting additional updates coming in 3.17. Which is awesome to hear… as 3.17 is actually looking qutie feature and new content packed now and another patch watch should highlight even more features that we may not of known about.

Friday, Star Citizen Live on Twitch at 6pm UTC has a Gamedev special with Two-Time Winner of Jared’s Third Favorite Guest Award, Character Art Director Jeremiah Lee, It should be a fun and silly episode… JLee is one of my favourite people at CI and a very talented artist!

There are a variety of other bits like the Newsletter, and some subscriber vault updates also turning up Friday.. And I would expect 3.17 Wave 1 to be in our hands by this time too… HOPEFULLY!

I do want to highlight again how excited I am for Salvage in Alpha 3.18 and actually seeing some of the hull stripping tests / work last week has me hyped.

Beyond that and the Cargo Refactor I am hoping we see a good few more tangible gameplay updates and missions in that Q2 patch.
Boom, that’s your Star Citizen News Update for today… 3.17 should be with us soon and it’s jam packed with a load of new features!