Star Citizen – WHAT?! Sabre Raven Won’t Be In The Ship Showdown
Welcome to some more Star Citizen… we have some interesting information about how Ship Showdown ships are chosen… and why the Sabre Raven won’t make the top 16.
The Jumptown event starts again for the next couple of weekends and we have the PTU patch getting more fixes ahead of it’s merge into the live branch.
There was a Reddit Thread titled Visualisation of current top 16 of showdown in order which roughly had grabbed the data for the top 16 ships currently in phase 1 of the showdown
I would of expected the Hercules, Reclaimer and Argo Cargo to be up on there but apparently they are not at the moment.
CIGs Zyloh Responded to this post: Keep in mind that the top 16 are not chosen solely off of upvotes on the Community Hub and Social Media, although it certainly is a major factor. We also consider the quality and creativity of submissions coming through, alongside the general traction they gain within the community. We’ve got a panel of excellent judges sifting through content daily throughout the event.
That’s a little bit of a cop out in my opinion, they are just saying there that we are roughly going to go with the crowd with what’s most popular but reserve the right to choose the top 16 ships ourselves… please correct me in the comments if you think I am wrong there. That said… I suppose they would have to say that because there might be some cases where they do need to choose or replace a ship in the lineup.
Now whats interesting here is that the Sabre Raven is on that list… which was a promo ship given away with some of Intel’s Optane Drives…
And we have had CIGs Zyloh Responding to that as well:The Sabre Raven ship was indeed an exclusive with Intel, so it is not eligible. However… it has been useful to see the growing interest in the Raven, for reasons.
Zyloh went onto say – The Raven will remain exclusive to the Intel promotion.
So it looks like no amount of trying to get the Raven in the top 16 will make CI sell it or make it available… to what extent will we be able to buy them in game once SC is released remains to be seen.
Jumptown Reopens – Prepare for Mayhem
Jumptown is reopening this weekend on the 3.17.2 live build – The dynamic event will now kick off at 1am UTC Friday (which is a delay of 3 hours from originally planned) and ending 10pm Monday the 29th August.
Then the weekend after they are running Jumptown again from 10pm UTC on Friday the 2nd September to the 5th again ending at 10pm UTC.
Jumptown is a good opportunity to make some aUEC but it can be dangerous.
There is a Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2z PTU that further improves the test branch.
- Fixed an issue causing Hostile Nine tails ships to never spawn when completing scanning objective
- Aegis Gladius Foundation Skin should no longer obscure the Cockpit’s View
- Gladius Foundation Festival Paint should no longer cause the ship to become unflyable and landing gears to be missing
- Fixed a Server Crashes & a Server Deadlock
We are expecting these fixes and more to be applied to the Live build real soon… Hopefully also addressing Elevator issues.
In fact the known issues in that PTU branch that are left are:
- Green flickering light fills the Sabre Ravenduring weather VFX (Players will receive a loaner Sabre).
- Players may have to restart the game after getting kicked to the main menu from a 30k crash.
- Ships targeting pips may be missing or disappear for some players.
- Some Ships are floating in the hangar when retrieved.
- The player character arm can misalign when seated in ships.
- The Khartu-al spawns on the hangar floor sideways.
- Weapon fire penetrates shields when ships are moving “shield holes”
- While docked to a Starfarer multiple vehicle types will continuously tilt.
- The Argo Raft’s elevator controls cannot be interacted properly.
- Headlights on Ares are too dim to notice at reasonable range.
- Weapons are held like a pistol whilst moving in EVA.
- Weapons holster toggle unintentionally.
- Gear & Items may disappear between sessions.
- Weapons looted directly equipped from boxes are missing attachments
- Ships on landing pads can end up in “unknown state” after being stored.
- Turrets around bunkers respawn very quickly, sometimes almost instantaneously.
So getting some more of those fixed would also be preferable too.
We don’t have a date on when Alpha 3.18 is going to Evocati… CI are sharing development and features on the 3.18 patch and are working on it still currently… so it’s not delayed and nothing happening on it… CI are still refining it and working on parts just without the benefit of evocati support and stress testing. We should be seeing more and more on the patch in the coming weeks and it should be going to evocati relatively shortly… hopefully.
Boom, thats it for your Star Citizen Updates today!