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CitizenCon Journey To 4.0 – The Biggest Star Citizen Event Of The Year

We now have a big chunk of details for this year’s CitizenCon for Star Citizen. And the theme is JOURNEY TO 4.0.

This is one of the major development highlights of the year and this time it’s Saturday October 8th from 3pm UTC. It’s an online only virtual event which anyone can tune into on the SC Twitch Channel and it will be running for a good few hours.

Get ready for an event filled with exciting content, including development updates, giveaways.

We have details of 7 of the panels that will be shown throughout the day. Panels normally run from 30 – 60 mins based on previous Citizencons… most of this should be pre-recorded and will be available a little while after the livestream as individual videos on YT.

PLANETARY PYRO – Join us for a guided, in-engine tour through many of the Planets and Moons of the upcoming Pyro System, exploring their current development status, and why they’re more than just burnt, charred husks you may have read about.
Maximilian Keilich – Senior Environment Artist II

DESIGN BRIEF – INVESTIGATIONS – Explore the pitch process for a new mission archetype that leaves combat and delivery behind for mindful deduction and increased storytelling.

Luke Pressley – Senior Lead Designer

Elliot Maltby – Principle Systems Designer

THE NEW UNDERGROUND – When corporations, commerce and caverns collide. Take your first look at the enormous re-imagining of underground facilities and the new gameplay possibilities that will arrive with them.

Ian Leyland – Star Citizen Art Director

THE NEED FOR (MULTIPLE) SPEEDS – We all know how speed impacts combat, but now learn how Master Modes, initially developed for Squadron 42, will impact the flight experience for the Persistent Universe and better define ship roles for all vehicles in Star Citizen.

David Colson – Lead Vehicle Programmer

Richard Towler – Lead Game Designer

Ged Talbot – Senior Games Designer

Yogi Klatt – Senior Gameplay Programmer I

Jonny Young – Gameplay Programmer III

LORVILLE REDUX – We’ve come a long way since our first planetary landing zone, and here you’ll get a first glimpse at how everything learned since then is being re-applied to this walled, polluted city.
Eric Gagnon – Principal Concept Artist
Maxime Guindon – Lead Environment Artist
Ian Leyland – Star Citizen Art Director

POWER PLAY – How the upcoming Resource Management System will change life in the ’verse as we know it, from combat to player homesteading and allow for true multicrew gameplay.
Dan Trufin – Assistant Design Director for Persistent Universe Content
Thorsten Leimann – Senior Systems Designer

TALKING SHIP 2952 – Our annual presentation from the ship teams. Discover the latest vehicles throughout the pipeline, from concept to newly flyable and a new twist to this year’s voting on a new ship to come.
John Crewe – Vehicle Director
Ben Curtis – Vehicle Art Director
Paul Jones – Art Director

There may very well be some more panels and sometimes they might not be announced until the day. There is likely going to be entertainment and “interviews” throughout the day as well in between these panels.

Other Things

Expect the Live stream to have a lot of interaction with various things to vote on, giveaways, we know you’ll be able to win some model ships from JRFabrication as well a tobii eye tracker 5’s etc… In fact Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is natively supported by Star Citizen and if you are interested in picking one up they are currently on sale via the links below.

There is going to be a CitizenCon Digital Goodies Pack, I believe that free for anyone that’s a backer. We don’t have details of the contents yet.

I’d also expect CI to potentially have a ship / vehicle sale… tho it might be saved until the IAE in November…

CR said in a Letter from the Chairman earlier in the year

One difference to last year is that there will be no keynote gameplay demo to headline this event as this would pull valuable resources away from our game development when they need to be working on PES, SM, Gen12 ect…

He went on to say:

CitizenCon will be a celebration of you, the community, with presentations and panels from our developers, to share with you the progress we are making and the near future of what you can expect from Star Citizen in the year ahead. And as I noted back in my December 2020 Letter, we are still going to be quiet on Squadron 42 until it is time to start the release campaign. And we are not quite there yet. Know that progress is coming along nicely, but we’re not quite ready to pull the curtain back on Squadron just yet. 

Beyond all of that there might be some surprises too we will have to wait and see. 

Boom, that’s it for what we know about CitizenCon this year at least so far.